My theory about tabloids...

Sometimes, I look at the controversial headlines the tabloids post, and think that they're doing it deliberately. Meaning, they say one thing, so that they can fish for a future reaction, resulting in stories.

Take for example, a headline that goes, "THIS COUPLE ENGAGED!"

Of course, if the couple is NOT engaged:

Girl: Can you believe what they're saying about us this time?! O_O
Boy: What is it now?! O_o
Girl: Silly article says we're engaged! ^O^
Boy: Haha! Can you believe that? XD
Girl: Haha. Yeah... *pause* >_>

Awkward conversations follow. Maybe they'll fight. Maybe they'll break up. It's just more fodder for the media. In the end, they get what they want, even if they don't have the specifics. (Why specify, when your job is to speculate?)

And that anti-gossip site? Gossip Cop? I follow that. I like to think that they fight for the good, so I tend to believe whatever they say. They're doing something different after all, which is spread the truth about whatever rumors are circulating. However, to negate something, you have to relate whatever it is you're refuting, even citing sources, which then leads to these sources' sites, which gets hits, and ultimately, the gossip source still gets what it wants.

Two sides of the same coin is such a bitch.


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