Goodbye Steve Jobs. (My obligatory "How Apple is in my Life" post.)

I've been a desktop baby for years. I didn't want a laptop. When I realized I needed one, everyone recommended the Macbook. I got one in 2007. He's black. I call him Sirius. 

My very first mp3 music player was a pink iPod mini. I called her Relena. She was followed by a product RED nano I called Heero. 

I didn't want to get an iPod Touch, but my husband bought me one for Christmas 2009, and then the latest model for Valentine's last year. We originally called the first one Padfoot. When he gave me the second one, we christened that Padfoot (2.0) and nicknamed the first, P-chan.

I didn't want an iPhone, but my husband (again) gifted me with one this year for my birthday. Afterwards, he got himself an iPad. 

The first thing I reach for in the morning and the last to leave my hands at night is Padfoot. For my husband, it's his iPad. (He didn't touch his laptop -- not a Mac but we ironically named it "Mac" -- for a while since getting his iPad. Then one day Mac wouldn't boot and we had to leave it at the shop for repairs. He said it got "jealous" since he wasn't paying attention to it anymore.) 

P-chan is now in the addicted hands of my mom, who uses it to play Angry Birds for relaxation. 

Relena and Heero are still working. Heero is mostly put to use in the car playing driving music. 

Sirius is my baby. He's been through a screen change, a keyboard cover replacement (due to a recall so it was done for free) and his optical drive conked out after the second year. I had to work my way around the OS for a bit before getting used to it after years of being on Windows, but now I can't imagine life without the easy screenshot functions. Or the Dock. Or the easy way I can organize my file folders. 

And, despite my initial misgivings about owning one because I didn't want a touch-screen mobile, I am now extremely dependent on my iPhone.


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