
I don't celebrate Valentine's. I did when I was a kid. I think I also did back in college. But later on, when I was part of a couple, was when I saw what all the single people saw about the day. Isn't that ironic?

Kurt from this week's Glee VDay episode said it best: "It's a simple excuse to sell candy and greeting cards on a holiday." In fact, I think the scriptwriter quoted me somewhere, because I remember writing something like this on my LJ. LOL.

But it's true. Why relegate yourself to one day a year to show affection? My husband surprises me with little things even though there's no occasion. I think those times matter more than a huge bouquet or a bucketful of chocolate on February 14.

Anyway, here's a blog I found that shows you where to buy anti-valentine's shirts. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not against the day. I just think it's overrated.


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