500 Films Challenge

The things you succumb to because of Twitter. I found out about this from Targrod, a Huff (lol, like David Hasslehuff... *coughcouldn'tresistcough* moving on...) and fellow PHP'er. The challenge is to watch and then document 500 films you've watched since accepting the challenge. More details can be found if you click on the image above.

Admittedly, I'm not a major film buff. I'm actually selective with the movies I watch. But, that changed with the presence of my husband, Paul. Where I used to skip meals because of my reading--telling my mom, "I eat books."--he apparently would eat movies. I think if you tell him that if he could have one channel his entire life, he would choose HBO. (Or, *shudders* CinemaOne.) When we stayed in the condo and I decided not to apply for cable TV, we would buy DVDs almost everyday.

Plus, our friends have developed a Saturday night habit of hanging out every week to watch a last full show at Greenbelt 3. (If you've ever encountered a crazy group of 5-6 people taking photos near the posters just before they close the lights on the 4th floor, that would be us.) It doesn't matter what we watch. Sometimes when there's nothing especially good, we'd go for the weird choices. Harold and Kumar. Zohan. That docu about Imelda. Oh, and the other one about the Red Shoes.

(Friends have probably seen this. This was one of our wedding videos, made by friends, and shows us pre-movie or post-movie or on the off days when there's nothing to watch because we've seen almost everything that's out.)

Considering this, I thought, well, why not? Although, 500 is such a daunting number and I'm not very good at keeping faithful score; I get lazy. I'm also a sucky reviewer...

... ah heck. Shut up, Minami, and let's just do this!

I probably don't deserve to be in this list of film challenge participants, but here we go:

1.) Princess Kinoc (http://underthefiretree24.wordpress.com)
2.) Jay-R Trinidad (http://pinoyfilmzealot.wordpress.com)
3.) Adrian Mendizabal (http://adrianmendizabal.blogspot.com)
4.) Epoy Deyto (http://kawtskamote.blogspot.com)
5.) Dodo Dayao (http://pelikula.blogspot.com)
6.) Clem Malubay (http://whatclemsaid.livejournal.com)
7.) Carl Joseph Papa (http://whatevercarl.tumblr.com)
8.) Nilhenwen (http://nilhenwen.livejournal.com)
9.) Etchie Pingol (http://etchieblog.wordpress.com)
10.) Sani Ajero (http://sanriel.wordpress.com)
11.) Paolo Barazon (http://titopao.com)
12.) Niña Domingo (http://ninsydipsy.tumblr.com)
13.) Jay Rosas (http://jayclopsz.blogspot.com)

Also, I'll be honest. I have the three P&P films from last weekend's marathon and 4 more on my blog queue, including Unknown starring Liam Neeson which we just watched last night. I haven't gotten around to posting my comments on them yet, but since I watched them before this, they're not included in the count. (Too bad. :p) I'll tag the ones that are part of it, though, starting with this weekend's Black Swan. Woot!


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